If you have a product or service that is utilized in any context of health care delivery, we provide unique and cost-effective opportunities to help fulfill your marketing and branding objectives.
We can place your message in front of your buyers, and the people who influence your buyers. If your work supports the daily operation of a hospital or clinic, in any capacity, we provide advertising solutions that offer outstanding potential return on investment. If your work supports patients that must be referred by physicians, we offer similar benefits. We also give you access to a difficult-to-reach market if your services or products target high income earners with advanced education and discriminating taste. We also reach clinic and hospital administrators and health system executives.
Finally, if your products or services are utilized through direct-to-consumer marketing, we give you unparalleled access to highly motivated and engaged patients. To learn more about these specific opportunities, scroll through the info below.
MEDIA KIT we click with the medical profession
Published for over 30 years, Minnesota Physician in an independent monthly medical journal written by physicians for physicians. We cover everything from clinical and scientific advances to socio-economic and policy issues. We provide an unbiased forum to address industry issues and are not affiliated with any national, state, county, or specialty society or association, third-party payer, or pharmaceutical manufacturer.
We mail to physicians licensed to practice in Minnesota and provide a trusted forum for communication within the profession.
ADVERTISING RATES Effective January 1, 2025
AD SIZE | 1 INSERTION | 6x (per ad) | 12x (per ad) |
Full page | $4387 | $3988 | $3688 |
2/3 page | $4069 | $3702 | $3518 |
1/2 page | $2967 | $2710 | $2487 |
1/3 page | $2758 | $2522 | $2304 |
1/4 page | $1764 | $1560 | $1375 |
Back cover | $4960 | $4460 | $4075 |
Guaranteed and special position: Minnesota Physician retains placement rights for all ads. A 10% premium will guarantee placement of ads ½ page or larger. For inside covers, add 10%.
Email your camera-ready ad to your account executive. Please submit ads in PDF file format. (EPS and/or Tiff files are also acceptable.) Resolution should be set at 300 dpi. All files must be CMYK or grayscale and are inspected prior to production. Covers are printed on 60 lb. coated stock. Inside pages are printed on 30 lb. newsprint.
Materials not submitted camera-ready are subject to production charges.
Please use these photo specifications for inside pages from our printer:
Print ad size
1/2 page H | 8.5" | 5.25" |
1/2 page V | 4" | 10.875" |
1/3 page | 4" | 7.75" |
1/4 page | 4" | 5.25" |
Full page | 8.5" | 11.625" |
Trim size | 9.5" | 12.625" |
Full-page bleed | 10" | 13.125" |
Reprints are usually letter size and printed on both sides Reprints requiring reformatted photos, additional text, logos, new photos, etc., incur production charges at $150/hr., with one-hour minimum. Some articles are too long to print on a single page and different pricing applies.
100 | 8.5" | $300 |
500 | 9.5" | $500 |
1000 | 10" | $725 |
Read-only PDF file | Full color + reprint order | $125 |
Full color + no reprint order | $20 |
2-color = $300 extra • 4-color process = $450 extra • Minimum order is 100 copies • Local delivery $35
Minnesota physician is distributed electronically to physicians, health care business executives and administrators throughout Minnesota. Over our forty years of publication our mission has remained the same – to provide a forum for communication within the industry – with the dominance of electronic media, however, as we migrated to this platform the readership has expanded and we now have readers nationwide and indeed worldwide. We provide our advertisers the most extensive medical business mailing list in the state. Included on this business list are the CEOs and administrative executives from every major healthcare delivery organization in Minnesota. Annual subscriptions are available for $48.
Advertising in Minnesota Physician produces results! We offer effective penetration into a desirable and difficult-to-reach readership. Minnesota Physician is supported 100% by advertising; state, county, specialty society or association dues do not fund any portion of our operation. Therefore, Minnesota Physician must be a successful marketing tool, and our advertisers report outstanding results. Through use of top-quality graphics and meaningful editorial content, we provide an environment where your ad is seen and read with enthusiasm. If any portion of your business comes from physicians or their working environments, advertising in Minnesota Physician is your most cost-effective marketing strategy. Here are some demographics from the Minnesota Department of Health’s Geographic Distribution of Minnesota Physicians report of 2013.
Editorial assigned by | 10/6/24 | 11/10/24 | 12/7/24 | 1/7/25 |
Editorial due by | 12/15/24 | 12/15/24 | 2/5/25 | 3/5/25 |
Professional update | Physical Therapy | Arthritis Care | Gastroenterology | Pain Medicine |
Special Focus | Health Care Legislation | Community Health | Home Care | Public Health |
Ad Space Reservation | 12/20/24 | 1/27/25 | 2/26/25 | 3/24/25 |
Ad Materials Due | 1/6/25 | 2/10/25 | 4/10/25 |
Editorial assigned by | 2/5/25 | 3/2/25 | 4/2/25 | 5/3/25 |
Editorial due by | 3/31/25 | 4/22/25 | 5/20/25 | 6/24/25 |
Professional update | Women’s Health | Behavioral Health | Oncology | Pediatrics |
Special Focus | MN Health Care Roundtable | Architecture Honor Roll | Medical research | Administration |
Ad Space Reservation | 4/28/25 | 5/26/25 | 6/23/25 | 7/28/25 |
Ad Materials Due | 5/5/25 | 6/2/25 |
Editorial assigned by | 6/4/25 | 6/30/25 | 7/22/25 | 8/19/25 |
Editorial due by | 7/30/235 | 8/19/25 | 9/16/25 | 10/14/25 |
Professional update | Neurology | Cardiology | Emergency Medicine | Orthopedics |
Special Focus | AI in Health Care | Senior and Long Term Care | Rural Health | MN Health Care Roundtable |
Ad Space Reservation | 8/26/25 | 9/22/25 | 10/27/25 | 11/24/25 |
Ad Materials Due | 9/1/25 | 9/27/25 | 11/2/25 | 11/29/25 |
Minnesota Physician is an independent monthly medical journal covering socioeconomic and policy issues as well as clinical and scientific advances. We are not affiliated with any national, state or county medical society or association. This independence allows us the unique opportunity to present sensitive topics from a candid and unbiased perspective.
Each issue contains several regular departments: capsules (news briefs) a colleague interview, and a special focus. There are regular reports on many other recurring topics such as ethics, research and policy. See our editorial calendar
Minnesota Physician is written by physicians for physicians. Our editorial board is in constant contact with local, regional and national experts in untiring dedication to providing the most outstanding possible content.
Contact Mike Starnes at 612.728.8601 to reserve your space
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(612) 728-8600 |
758 Riverview Ave | St. Paul MN 55107
© Minnesota Physician Publishing · All Rights Reserved. 2023
We welcome the submission of manuscripts and letters for possible publication. All views and opinions expressed by authors of published articles are solely those of the authors and do not necessarily express those of Minnesota Physician Publishing Inc., or this publication. The contents herein are believed to be accurate but are not intended to replace medical, legal, tax, business or other professional advice or counsel. No part of this publication may be reprinted or reproduced without written permission from our publisher.